video perahu Nabi Nuh Ditemukan di Turki

A group of archaeologists from China and Turkey claimed to have found the ark (ship) Noah on a mountain in Turkey with an altitude of 4000 meters.
Special team of scientists who explore the historic discoveries in the Holy Book to find examples of timber buried in the structure of Mount Ararat, located in eastern Turkey. In his research proved if the timber is approximately 4800 years old, the same age as the Ark of Noah.
"We did not mention that 100 percent of the Ark of Noah, but we believe that 99.9 percent if the sample timber was derived from the structure of Noah's ship wreck in the 4800 epidemic of this mountain before," said Yeung Wing-cheung, a documentary filmmaker also a member of the team of Noah's Ark Ministries International.
Quoted by the Straits Times, Tuesday (27/04/2010), the structure has several compartments, including a block of wood that is believed to create a stable material to protect the animal from the great flood in the days of Noah.
According to Yeung, the archaeologists also claim that evangelicals are seeking possible existence of settlements lost population, which stood 3500 feet below.
Turkish government in Ankara claimed to have issued a request to UNESCO for making decisions such as cultural preservation of the mountain that must be protected, at least until the archaeologists conduct excavations of evidence and deeper.
In the history of scripture, God commanded Noah to make an ark that can protect he and his followers from the great flood that will be sent by God, including saving any two tails for each type of animal. Also noted in history, when the flood has receded, the ark of Noah was told had been shipwrecked on a mountain. Many people believe if Mount Ararat is the location of the vessel karamnya.
video perahu Nabi Nuh Ditemukan di Turki
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