Sabrina pai Menculik Miyabi p movie

Sabrina pai  Menculik Miyabi  movie
Approximately six months ago, plans to kidnap Maxima Pictures to produce movies in the Indonesian Miyabi gets tough opposition from a number of community organizations.
The main reason for this is a comedy genre movie stars movie stars Japanese porn Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi.
The strong rejection of it, making film production should be delayed about six months. Not only that, the storyline was a slight adjustment due to cancellation She has come to Jakarta.
"Change is there, because originally Maria Ozawa will come to Jakarta. And we need time to convince him to stay comfortable to continue shooting even be done in Japan," said producer Menculik Miyabi, Ody Honor Hidayat.
Changes in this film, among others, is replacing Maria Ozawa with Taiwanese actress Sabrina Pai for scenes in Jakarta.
Sabrina pai serves as Tourists from China named Yao Bie Mie who "kidnapped" three Indonesian student who thinks he is Miyabi.
Other changes is the change in location filming. Some scenes that should remain Miyabi played in Jakarta, had performed in Tokyo, Japan.
With various changes in the way of this story, the film eventually kidnap official Miyabi played in various theaters of Indonesia since Thursday (5 / 5).
"I hope all parties can accept this film as entertainment rather than as something that is scary. And do not judge before you watch this film," added Ody Honor Hidayat.
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