Agnes Monica

Agnes Monica was reluctant to comment on a porn video involving artist Ariel, Luna Maya and Dance Cut. But Agnes provides support for the Ariel, Cs. encountered, in the studio Powerful RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Monday (07.19.2010), Agnes Monica was reluctant to talk about it. "I myself can not say other people's business, so I choose silence," said Agnes.
However, said Agnes Monica, as a good friend, he still must provide support for the good friend likes or grief.
"As a good friend, how to support him. It's not just criticize. Because if you criticize, everyone can," certainly this Indonesian Idol jury.
Agnes says, every man in this world is not perfect and can certainly make mistakes. Therefore, what has happened, should be a lesson in the future.
"Look at ourselves, whether we're perfect or not. Even though we knew he was doing was wrong," he explained, with a slight give advice.
He also added, that there are significant differences between the lives of Indonesian celebrities with Hollywood celebrities.
"Hollywood Bedalah same here. Here the customary law is still very strong. Impressions of public figures should be sacred, do not be mistaken. And there is the humanity in each person," said Agnes.
Agnes said, the same as Ariel and the other, if he made mistakes, we need support from relatives, friends and others.
"For me, if I do something wrong, I need support," added the actress who has typical facial features of this oriental.
Agnes said that personally he was sorry for Ariel and the other suspects in the video scene.
"The act they did wrong, but instead I saw compassion," said Agnes Monica. (*)
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