Aku Cinta BBM Nonsubsidi news blog

Aku Cinta BBM Nonsubsidi news blog
National Entrepreneurs Association of Oil and Gas or Oil and Gas held a campaign Hiswana sympathetic love the movement in fuel nonsubsidi Roundabout Hotel Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Saturday (06/26/2010).
The campaign followed by about a thousand members Hiswana Oil and gas station operators. Participants bring a variety of campaign posters and banners that pitched an invitation to the public for the BBM nonsubsidi love like "I Love Pertamax", "I Love Non-Subsidized fuel."
The campaign was also conducted simultaneously in 10 major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya Denpasar, Medan, Pelembang, Balikpapan and Makassar.
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